Hugh BuchananThe Bureau, Drummohrwatercolour on paper56 x 38cm
Hugh BuchananLevitation, Drummohrwatercolour on paper101.5 x 76cm
Hugh BuchananFaltering Sunlight, Drummohrwatercolour on paper51 x 51cm
Hugo GrenvilleLate Winteroil on canvas107 x 81cm
Hugo GrenvilleArise My Darling, My Perfect Oneoil on canvas138 x 178cm
Hugo GrenvilleA View to the Terraceoil on canvas76 x 76cm
Hugo GrenvilleA Room with a Viewoil on canvas107 x 81cm
Victoria Jinivizian, At Catherine's Table
Victoria Jinivizian, I am Here and You are Where You are
Victoria Jinivizian, Patrick and Joan Leigh Fermor’s, Kardamyli, Greece
Victoria Jinivizian NEACMadeleine's Flowersoil on gesso panel57 x 66cm
Victoria Jinivizian NEACMichael's Gownoil on gesso panel23 x 33cm
Victoria Jinivizian, Dark Bath
Victoria Jinivizian, Listening to Iris and Sargy
Victoria Jinivizian NEACHope Coveoil on gessoed muslin28cm x 33cm
Peter Lloyd-Jones, Windmill and Bicycle from Transylvanian Memories
Peter Lloyd-Jones, Outside In
Peter Lloyd-Jones, Yellow Chairs, Memories from Transylvania
Alex LoweryYdra Window Ioil on canvas55 x 45cm
Alex LoweryYdra Window IIoil on canvas40 x 40cm
Alex LoweryYdra Window IIIoil on canvas45 x 50cm
Alex LoweryYdra Window IVoil on canvas51 x 97cm
Alex LoweryYdra Window Voil on canvas80 x 50cm
Alex LoweryYdra Window VIoil on canvas55 x 60cm
Alex LoweryYdra Window VIIoil on canvas
30 x 30cm -
Alex LoweryYdra Window VIIIoil on canvas30 x 35cm
Mungo Powney, The Tang Horse
Mungo PowneyStill Life with Many Birdsoil on canvas61 x 51cm
Mungo Powney, Family Life
Mungo PowneyA Tiny Breton Vaseoil on canvas25 x 31cm
Mungo PowneyA Small Study of Liliesoil on canvas24 x 30cm
Mungo Powney, The Woodcut
Victoria Jinivizian NEACDay Sleeperoil on gesso panel54 x 64cm